Special Event Safety Tips for Posts

As your Post prepares for the holiday parties and events, be sure to assess the risks of these events and implement these special event safety tips when possible.

Prevent Slips, Trips and Falls

As one of the leading industry incidents, slips, trips and falls can be costly for your Post. Follow these tips to prevent anyone from getting hurt at your event.

  • Clean up
July 17th, 2018|Safety|

How to Handle Workers’ Compensation Claims

Workers’ Compensation provides coverage for members and employees for on-the-job injuries, including medical expenses and lost wages. This coverage applies regardless of fault and is written to follow individual state laws. Some states require this coverage, while others highly encourage it.

Because workers’ compensation claims are different from case to case, there is often confusion surrounding how to handle a claim.


When to Report

July 17th, 2018|Safety|