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So far lbond has created 15 blog entries.

Parade Safety Tips for VFW Members

Originally published May 28, 2019. Last updated May 3, 2024.

As summer ramps up, so do city celebrations and parades. If your Post participates regularly in these celebrations, ensure everyone is safe and thoughtful with these parade participation safety tips.

10 Parade Safety Tips for VFW Members

  1. Plan ahead

Announce the event to all your members, determine a meeting spot, distribute route maps

May 3rd, 2024|Safety|

A Special Veterans Day

This November 11, the country will celebrate a very important Veterans Day.

Veterans Day, a Century in the Making

Exactly 100 years ago, on November 11, 1919, Americans marked the first anniversary of the end of World War I. A year earlier, at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, the armistice ending hostilities had taken effect. President Wilson issued

October 28th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Grill Safety Tips

With summer holidays and long weekends upon us, it is important to stay safe while enjoying the warm weather and the company of your Post members. As you begin hosting picnics, grill outs and other summer events, be sure to assess the risks of these events and implement safety measures when possible.

One of the most dangerous elements of summer get-togethers? Grills. Follow

June 24th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Take Part in National CPR and AED Awareness Week

The 2019 National CPR and AED Awareness Week is June 1-7.

This event has been in place since 2007, when Congress designated the week to encourage all states, cities and towns to provide CPR and AED training to the public.

Unfortunately, one American dies of sudden cardiac arrest approximately every two minutes. While the average survival rate for sudden cardiac arrest is about 5

April 23rd, 2019|Safety|

Preparing your Post for a Power Outage

Whether your Post loses power for one day or one week, it is important to prepare your Post for a power outage. Whether caused by ice, snow or thunderstorms, a power outage may cause food spoilage, prevent the use of medical devices and disrupt water and communications.

How to Prepare in Advance

  • Always have an emergency kit with water, non-perishable food, emergency contact
March 1st, 2019|Uncategorized|

Snow Shoveling Safety

According to the National Safety Council, shoveling snow is responsible for thousands of injuries and as many as 100 deaths each year.

While shoveling may not seem more strenuous than running on a treadmill, it actually raises your blood pressure and heart rate more than other types of exercise. Shoveling also uses your arms, which is more taxing than work that requires

February 14th, 2019|Safety|

Has Your Post Completed Alcohol Server Training Lately?

Posts that sell or serve alcohol face many risks. If your Post serves alcohol to a minor or visibly intoxicated patron, the results can be serious. Your Post could face administrative and criminal fines, as well as claims for damages that a person might cause after leaving your establishment. However, by educating your servers, you can make a difference for your Post

December 11th, 2018|Uncategorized|

Ways to Protect Your Financial Assets

You’ve worked hard to save for you and your family’s future. Don’t underestimate the importance of protecting those financial assets.

A way many people protect their assets is by diversifying them. By using multiple financial assets—stocks, bonds, cash and more—risk is better managed.

You can also start a trust to hold, manage and distribute your assets according to your wishes. It can protect your

December 11th, 2018|Uncategorized|

Pet Insurance is Easier than Ever

Pets are part of the family, and pet insurance can be a great way to care for them. You pets are your companions, your cuddle buddies, your feet warmers. They make you laugh when they fall for the laser pointer and make you proud when they master a new trick. They keep you active and keep life interesting. Even when they get

September 4th, 2018|Uncategorized|

Special Event Safety Tips for Posts

As your Post prepares for the holiday parties and events, be sure to assess the risks of these events and implement these special event safety tips when possible.

Prevent Slips, Trips and Falls

As one of the leading industry incidents, slips, trips and falls can be costly for your Post. Follow these tips to prevent anyone from getting hurt at your event.

  • Clean up
July 17th, 2018|Safety|