About Lockton Affinity, LLC

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So far Lockton Affinity, LLC has created 59 blog entries.

How to Handle Complaints at the Post

Things often get busy at the Post, making it easy to overlook when a member, volunteer or guest brings up a complaint. Mistakes and misunderstandings happen every day, even when your Post is led by passionate, hard-working people.

While we all would like to minimize our mistakes, how you handle these difficulties is often more important.

A complaint represents a risk to your organization.

November 4th, 2020|Uncategorized|

How to Screen Volunteers: 8 Tips to Follow When Looking for Volunteers

Volunteers help contribute the skills, manpower and enthusiasm your organization needs to succeed without breaking the bank. But bringing new volunteers into your Post also presents risk, and that’s why all Posts need to screen volunteers.

We would all like the believe volunteers get involved in causes and organizations for the right reasons, but this isn’t always the case. Poor decision-making, dishonesty and

September 30th, 2020|Uncategorized|

3 Common Fraternal Claims You Should Avoid

Every insurance claim is different, but some common fraternal claims come up more often than others. For Posts, general liability claims, property damage claims and liquor liability claims come up over and over. Your Post is at a higher risk from these common claims, which is why it’s important to make sure you’re fully covered and take the right steps to minimize

September 1st, 2020|Uncategorized|

How to Stay Safe in the Heat

It’s the height of summer, and many people are excited to be spending more time outdoors after COVID-related closures. But along with the fresh air and sunshine there is extreme heat that can be dangerous to your health.

As your Post schedules activities outdoors this summer, take the heat into account. It could mean the difference between a memorable outing and a medical

July 21st, 2020|Uncategorized|

Workers’ Compensation and Volunteer Accident Insurance

Employees and volunteers are at the heart of your Post, and as an organization, one of your greatest responsibilities is ensuring they all are adequately protected. You may need Workers’ Compensation and Volunteer Accident Insurance to fully protect them.

While your Post likely has Workers’ Compensation coverage if you have employees, it’s important to know this coverage isn’t for volunteers, who are best

June 17th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Knowing the Signs of Serious Illnesses

It’s not always easy to tell what’s wrong when you don’t feel well. Some symptoms can go unnoticed, while other signs of serious illnesses are so common we may ignore them. Knowing the signs of serious illnesses like heart attack and stroke helps protect your organization and community and can prevent an otherwise tragic outcome. Here’s what to know:

Signs of Serious Illnesses:

May 20th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Protecting Volunteers and Workers at the Post

Everyone is looking forward to things getting back to normal, with Post employees getting back into the swing of things and volunteers old and new looking for ways to give back. Because the future is still uncertain and the risk for mistakes can be greater after a prolonged absence, it’s important workers and volunteers are protected.

Protecting Volunteers and Workers 

Start with

May 6th, 2020|Uncategorized|

7 Projects to Accomplish While Your Post is Closed

The past several weeks have been difficult for Post communities and the world at large. With recent CDC and government guidance, many Posts are closing temporarily.

While it is disappointing to have the Post closed, we can use this time to continue to prepare and improve. Encourage Post leadership to take turns working on things, so that when it reopens, your Post will

April 3rd, 2020|Uncategorized|

Spring Cleaning Checklist for VFW Posts

The famous Punxsutawney Phil said an early spring is a certainty after seeing no shadow on Groundhog Day. Around the Post, you may have already noticed warmer weather and more activity. It’s the perfect time for some seasonal maintenance and spring cleaning before summer arrives.

Here’s a seasonal maintenance and spring cleaning checklist for Post facilities to get you started.

Spring Cleaning Checklist:

  • Clean
February 28th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Do You Have the Right First Aid Kit Supplies?

You can turn to the first aid kit for relief from a headache or bandages for a scrape, but do you have the right supplies for an emergency? If a member or guest at the Post becomes ill or is seriously injured, the right first aid kit supplies can make all the difference while also helping to protect your Post from a

February 20th, 2020|Safety|