Buying, Renewing and Servicing Your Post’s Insurance with Lockton Affinity

Whether you’ve had insurance for your Post through Lockton Affinity for years or are considering coverage for the first time, we’re here to support you.

Read on to learn about buying insurance for your Post and renewing and servicing your Post’s insurance with Lockton Affinity.

Buying Insurance for Your Post

With so many insurance options in the marketplace, it can be overwhelming to pick an

July 3rd, 2024|VFW insurance information|

How to Protect Post Leadership and Board Members

Leaders make daily decisions that impact the success of their organization. As a leader, these Post members are expected to accept the same guidelines and duties that the heads of major corporations follow: the duties of diligence, loyalty and care.

Despite leaders having the best interests of the organization at heart, they can make mistakes and their choices can be questioned. Costly claims

October 25th, 2023|VFW insurance information|

Frequently Asked Questions about Post Insurance

Whether you have been managing your organization’s insurance for months or years, insurance policies can change, your Post may evolve and questions can arise.

Browse some of our recent frequently asked questions about Post insurance to stay up-to-date on all things Post insurance.


Frequently Asked Questions about Post Insurance

To get a clearer understanding of your organization’s insurance, browse these frequently asked questions about Post

March 14th, 2023|Uncategorized, VFW insurance information|

How Your Insurance Needs May Change from Year to Year

As your organization changes from year to year, your insurance needs may change. Whether your Post participates in new activities, hosts new events or has changes to its membership, Lockton Affinity provides access to a variety of insurance policies that can help safeguard your organization throughout it all.

You begin hosting events with alcohol

When alcohol is served, your organization needs proper insurance to

September 7th, 2022|Uncategorized, VFW insurance information|

The Step-by-Step Process of Purchasing Insurance from Lockton Affinity

One of the things that can make shopping for insurance for your Post so hard is not knowing what to expect. You hope that whatever company you choose will be easy to work with and offer the tailored coverage that you need, but it’s not always guaranteed.

At Lockton Affinity, we aim to provide you with best-in-class service for insurance solutions that meet

November 11th, 2021|Uncategorized, VFW insurance information|

Your Top 5 Insurance Questions Answered

Insurance can be a confusing topic. Unlike other purchases you make for the Post, no instruction manual comes in the box. This can make it hard to know how to use your new insurance, when to make changes and what options you have at renewal.

Our customer service team loves hearing from our clients and answering your questions. Some of the most common

January 19th, 2021|Uncategorized, VFW insurance information|