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So far Lockton Affinity, LLC has created 59 blog entries.

Implementing a Severe Weather Plan for VFW Posts

Whatever part of the country your organization is in, severe weather can impact your operations. Consider these statistics on severe weather from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA):

  • About 1,200 tornadoes hit the U.S. each year.
  • 100,000 thunderstorms occur each year in the U.S. and 10% reach severe levels.
  • Damaging winds are classified as those exceeding 50-60 mph.
  • In the U.S.,
March 29th, 2023|Uncategorized, VFW safety|

Frequently Asked Questions about Post Insurance

Whether you have been managing your organization’s insurance for months or years, insurance policies can change, your Post may evolve and questions can arise.

Browse some of our recent frequently asked questions about Post insurance to stay up-to-date on all things Post insurance.


Frequently Asked Questions about Post Insurance

To get a clearer understanding of your organization’s insurance, browse these frequently asked questions about Post

March 14th, 2023|Uncategorized, VFW insurance information|

The Importance of Volunteer Waivers for Posts

Your organization relies heavily on its members and its volunteers. Whether you’re hosting bingo night, a bake sale, a food drive or other community event, you need volunteers to plan, organize, work and clean up the event for it to be a success.

While aiming for safety and security at your Post, your volunteers can still be injured during their duties. To protect

January 30th, 2023|Uncategorized, VFW safety|

Protecting Your Organization from Internal and External Theft

Protecting your organization from internal and external theft is an important risk management tactic to reduce loss and claims.

Theft may rise as inflation and prices rise, and fraternal organizations become a target for thieves hoping to grab cash, food, alcohol and other valuables.

Even in times of economic stability, theft remains a significant risk for fraternal organizations. Follow these tips for protecting your

December 28th, 2022|Uncategorized, VFW safety|

Coverage for Special Events—Are your events fully insured?

Fireworks, parades, tractor pulls, silent auctions, carnivals, bake sales—your organization partakes and hosts all kinds of events. But which events are covered by a basic general liability or umbrella policy and which events need a special event policy?

Many activities, including fundraising activities, may require a special event policy due to additional exposures associated with the event. Read on for examples of events

December 5th, 2022|Insurance information, Uncategorized|

Staying Safe Online: Protecting Your Members from Cyber Risks

Just as your fraternal organization faces cyber liability risks, so do your members.

In fact, the Senate passed the Fraud and Scam Reduction Act in 2021 to create an advisory group to educate consumers about scams, improve industry fraud-prevention training, develop better ways to stop scams before they happen and expand fraud prevention research.

And certain citizens may be impacted more

November 11th, 2022|Uncategorized, VFW safety|

Staying Safe Online: Protecting Your Organization

As a fraternal organization operating in today’s digitally connected world, your Post faces several cyber liability risks. Typically, most fraternal organizations do not consider themselves at risk for a cyber attack and have failed to take measures to secure their systems and data, making them an even bigger target.

To protect your organization, it’s important to understand your cyber liability risks and know

October 14th, 2022|Uncategorized, VFW safety|

How Your Insurance Needs May Change from Year to Year

As your organization changes from year to year, your insurance needs may change. Whether your Post participates in new activities, hosts new events or has changes to its membership, Lockton Affinity provides access to a variety of insurance policies that can help safeguard your organization throughout it all.

You begin hosting events with alcohol

When alcohol is served, your organization needs proper insurance to

September 7th, 2022|Uncategorized, VFW insurance information|

Creating a Culture of Safety at Your Post

Without a strong culture of safety in place at your organization, unsafe conditions can go uncorrected or unnoticed. Volunteers and members may not feel comfortable raising safety-related concerns and the risk of serious injuries may increase.

To make your Post safer, it is important to take a proactive approach before incidents occur.

With the right plan in place, you can help prevent injuries, illnesses

August 1st, 2022|Uncategorized, VFW safety|

Liquor Liability vs. Host Liquor Liability vs. Special Event Coverage

When alcohol is served, your organization needs proper insurance to protect against the risks and liability associated with alcohol. Depending on the type of event, whether your Post is hosting or renting its buildings, you will need different insurance coverage.

Read on to understand the differences between liquor liability insurance, host liquor liability insurance and special event coverage.

Understanding Liquor Liability insurance

Liquor liability insurance

July 7th, 2022|Insurance information, Uncategorized|