Business Auto Liability Coverage and Minimizing Risks

If your Post owns one or more vehicles or if someone is driving on your Post’s behalf, it is important to have Business Auto Liability and/or Hired and Non-Owned Auto Liability Insurance in place. You also need to have policies and guidelines in place to make sure that you choose carefully when determining who is allowed to drive them on your

January 7th, 2019|Business|

Has Your Post Completed Alcohol Server Training Lately?

Posts that sell or serve alcohol face many risks. If your Post serves alcohol to a minor or visibly intoxicated patron, the results can be serious. Your Post could face administrative and criminal fines, as well as claims for damages that a person might cause after leaving your establishment. However, by educating your servers, you can make a difference for your Post

December 11th, 2018|Uncategorized|

Ways to Protect Your Financial Assets

You’ve worked hard to save for you and your family’s future. Don’t underestimate the importance of protecting those financial assets.

A way many people protect their assets is by diversifying them. By using multiple financial assets—stocks, bonds, cash and more—risk is better managed.

You can also start a trust to hold, manage and distribute your assets according to your wishes. It can protect your

December 11th, 2018|Uncategorized|

Holiday Decorating Safety Tips

With the holiday season fully upon us, many Posts are ready to decorate. During this joyous season, it is important to consider holiday decorating safety. Whether your Post decorates a small Charlie Brown tree or goes full Chevy Chase, keep your Post’s property and members safe with these tips:

Indoor Holiday Decorating Safety Tips

  • If your Post purchases a live tree, check for
December 5th, 2018|Uncategorized|

Pet Insurance is Easier than Ever

Pets are part of the family, and pet insurance can be a great way to care for them. You pets are your companions, your cuddle buddies, your feet warmers. They make you laugh when they fall for the laser pointer and make you proud when they master a new trick. They keep you active and keep life interesting. Even when they get

September 4th, 2018|Uncategorized|

Special Event Safety Tips for Posts

As your Post prepares for the holiday parties and events, be sure to assess the risks of these events and implement these special event safety tips when possible.

Prevent Slips, Trips and Falls

As one of the leading industry incidents, slips, trips and falls can be costly for your Post. Follow these tips to prevent anyone from getting hurt at your event.

  • Clean up
July 17th, 2018|Safety|

How to Handle Workers’ Compensation Claims

Workers’ Compensation provides coverage for members and employees for on-the-job injuries, including medical expenses and lost wages. This coverage applies regardless of fault and is written to follow individual state laws. Some states require this coverage, while others highly encourage it.

Because workers’ compensation claims are different from case to case, there is often confusion surrounding how to handle a claim.


When to Report

July 17th, 2018|Safety|

How to protect your leadership and board members

Leaders make daily decisions that impact the success of their Posts. As a leader, these VFW members are expected to accept the same guidelines and duties that the heads of major corporations follow: the duties of diligence, loyalty and care.

Despite leaders having the best interests of the Post at heart, mistakes can be made, and members or other Post employees may question

June 18th, 2018|Uncategorized|

The Basics of AD&D Insurance

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, unintentional injuries are the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, behind heart disease, cancer and chronic lower respiratory diseases.1

No matter how careful you may be, you are always at risk at home, at work, in the car or even on vacation. Despite this risk, few people are prepared for the sudden,

April 13th, 2018|Uncategorized|

Medicare Options for VFW Members

There are multiple Medicare options for VFW members. The VFW Insurance Program, administered by Lockton Affinity, offers Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplemental and Medicare Part D through Humana. Humana is one of the nation’s largest health care companies, offering a broad national footprint.

With multiple Medicare options for VFW members, it can be hard to keep them all straight. Read on for descriptions

April 13th, 2018|Healthcare|