All property is important to upkeep and maintain, and the same is true of any property your Post owns.
Maintaining property and prioritizing safety improvements not only adds to your property value, but it also keeps your members and guests safe and comfortable.
Read on for a compilation of our most helpful property maintenance blogs.
Maintaining Your Post’s Property Indoors
- Preparing for a power outage – Whether your Post loses power for one day or one week, it is important to prepare your Post for a power outage. Whether caused by ice, snow or thunderstorms, a power outage may cause food spoilage, prevent the use of medical devices and disrupt water and communications.
- Improving safety signage – Facilities that have clear and consistent safety signage see a reduction in accidents and injuries. They also minimize their risk of legal action should an accident occur.
- Spring cleaning list – Being proactive and keeping your Post facilities in good condition is smart. It not only benefits the longevity of your Post property, it also improves safety for employees, members and visitors to the Post.
Maintaining Your Post’s Property Outdoors
- Roof maintenance – The roof’s job is to protect the entire building from the elements, so it’s important to make sure it’s functioning properly. A damaged roof can let in moisture which can damage walls, ceilings and anything you keep inside the building. Ideally, you should have someone take a look every spring and fall, just to make sure nothing has been damaged by severe weather during the previous seasons. If you can’t remember the last time your Post’s roof was inspected, or even if it’s been more than a year, a roofing professional should take a look.
- Parking lot safety – Parking lots pose risks to cars, pedestrians and property as members, guests and volunteers can cause accidents and damage. Look at your Post’s parking lot accessibility and structure to see if you make adjustments to prevent these accidents and make your Post a welcoming place for all.
- Common pests and infestations – Some pests carry diseases which can cause illness to members, guests and volunteers. Others can cause significant property damage to your building. To reduce the risk to your Post, make sure you are up to speed on common pest infestations and prevention.
- Grill safety – As you begin hosting picnics, grill outs and other summer events, be sure to assess the risks of these events and implement safety measures when possible. Grilling can be one of the best parts of outdoor gatherings but firing up the grill can be dangerous. Follow these grill safety tips.
Maintaining Your Post’s Property by Preventing Theft
- Internal and external theft threats – Even in times of economic stability, theft remains a significant risk for fraternal organizations. Follow these tips for protecting your organization from internal and external theft.
- Facility theft prevention – Theft has the potential to impact every part of the operations at your Post, so it’s important to be aware of some of the key areas of risk. Follow these facility theft prevention tips to deter and prevent crime in these six areas at risk for theft at your facility.
Protecting Your Property and Post
With Property insurance from Lockton Affinity, your organization can be protected from the costs associated with property damage like fire and theft. We also offer General Liability insurance to offer protection against claims of third-party injury or property damage.
Get started today by contacting one of our dedicated insurance representatives.